Tree Preservation Order TPO/07/2023

Tree Order 2023

Have Your Say On The Draft Bus Strategy

The Bus Strategy aims to set out an ambitious vision and strategy to improve our bus network in a way that will benefit the residents and business of our region, and to deliver the goals and objectives of the Combined Authority’s Local Transport and Connectivity Plan.

For more information follow the link below.

The reopened survey can be accessed directly using this new link.

Your Guide to Contacting the Constabulary

When you need to contact the police, it can often be a distressing time, and with a range of different contact methods available to you, it might not be clear which one you should choose.

This is why we want to educate our community about contacting us. It is important that our residents understand when to call us, when it’s better to go online, and when you should contact a different authority altogether.

We have put together a ‘Contact us’ guide, which can be accessed any time via the Constabulary’s website. The guide breaks down each method of contact so you can learn about how and when to use our phone lines and online services. Click into each section for further information and advice.

We believe that gaining a better understanding of our contact methods (and when to use each one) will ensure that should you require the police, you will know where to turn to receive the appropriate help. Not only that, but we also help that it will alleviate unnecessary pressure on our call handlers, who often receive misplaced / inappropriate calls.


Christmas Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme

Neighborhood policing survey

The neighborhood policing survey can be completed on the link below.