Recreation Ground Tree Planting – 17th March 2019
Dear All
The first tree planting of 20 mature trees at the recreation ground was very successful and well supported. Thank you to all those who took part. We have had many positive comments about the improvement to the rec and we all look forward to seeing the trees come into leaf in a few weeks time. Hopefully there will be some blossom too.
Within the next two weeks I will receive 210 small saplings from The Woodland Trust. The packs I applied for are called:
Year Round Colour (105 saplings) and
Working Wood (105 saplings) details of each can be seen at The Woodland Trust free trees page. Scroll down to read what varieties of trees are included.
We will need as many volunteers as possible to plant these saplings, so please come along on Sunday 17th March at 10:30am to the Pavilion at the rec in The Limes, Harston. Wrap up warm and please bring spades, trowels, stout footwear and gloves. Children are especially welcome, so if you have small size spades, please bring them too.
You don’t need any experience, as planting these saplings is very simple as can be seen at the How to Plant Trees page here. We will have bamboo canes and spiral guards to protect the young plants.
If I could have a volunteer or two to help with tea and coffee, that would be much appreciated. Also any donations of biscuits and cakes are very welcome too.
Please forward this email to any friends and neighbours in Harston and beyond.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Kind regards
Martin Harris
Harston Parish Council