EWR Petition

Cambridge Approaches have launched the following petition, on the Gov petitions website, which we would urge all residents to sign immediately. The petition calls for an independent enquiry into the East West Rail plan to run the railway line right next to the South and West boundaries of our village, which will cause substantial damage over many years to Harston. This petition will be suspended on Wednesday 29th because of the General Election, and probably reinstated when the next Government is sworn in. We are trying to get to 10,000 signatures before the suspension, with the help of all those living along the Cambourne to Cambridge South station track, and are progressing towards that target. So please sign and get your friends and relations to do likewise, send them the link. Thank you.





Neighbourhood Plan

National & Local Heritage assets in Harston


Harston Consultation of Harston Draft Neighbourhood Plan

Harston’s Draft Neighbourhood Plan is being finalised and we hope to have a 7 week consultation on it starting on Monday 22nd April and ending on Monday 11 June.

Before consultation starts all residents will receive a brief summary of the plan and a feedback form which you can drop into the box in the PO or … You can also feedback on-line, which we prefer, as this would help us save time logging all your written responses.

There will be three drop-in sessions at the Village Hall where you can look at a hard copy of the plan and ask questions:
Thursday 25th April at the Annual Parish Meeting which starts at 7pm (see PC website for agenda);
Sat 4 May 10.30-12.30 at Better Brew Café and in afternoon 2-5pm;
Sat 1st June 10.30-12.30 at Better Brew Café

See Below Link for more information on the NHP Draft


Harston Neighbourhood Plan

East West Rail

Thank you to everyone who attended the EWR meeting, it would help us if you could give us a few details, so we can make sure you are kept up to date in the future, and potentially so we can add your name to any Harston submission to the Statutory Consultation.
For anyone who could not attend or did not complete a form, please follow the link below to complete the form.

Follow the link below.





Housing Needs Survey for Harston


Housing Needs Survey for Harston

This survey is being carried out to assess housing need in the parish of Harston. Your Parish Council is supporting an independent survey by Cambridgeshire ACRE. Through this survey we hope to identify all those existing and potential households in Harston who cannot afford to rent or buy a home on the open market. However, we are also interested in the demand for self-build and market housing.
The results will help decide whether there is a need for affordable housing in the parish and, if so, the type of affordable housing that would best meet local needs so it is important that as many people as possible take part.
The first part of this survey should be completed by all households (even those who either don’t have a housing need and those already on the Housing Register / registered with Home-Link). If you indicate that you might have a housing need, you will be asked to complete a further section to collect information on your circumstances.
A separate survey needs to be completed for each new household that will be formed so, for example, if you have two adult children in your house who each need a new home, then each adult child must complete a survey – just share the link to the survey with them so they can access it and complete for themselves.
This survey has been made accessible to every household in the parish. We would also like to reach those who have moved away from Harston but who would like to return for family or work reasons. If you know anyone fitting this criteria, please pass on the link to this online survey so they might complete it.
The survey will close on Friday 15 December 2023
If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Jenna Brame, Rural and Community Led Housing Enabler on 01353 865022 or email her at jenna.brame@cambsacre.org.uk.
All information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Village News December 2023 – January 2024

Village News

Harston & Hauxton Village News October-November

Oct - Nov 23 v3.0

Statement of Community Involvement

The Statement of Community Involvement outlines the types of engagement designed to capture views to inform the preparation of the plan the future of Greater Cambridge, involvement in neighbourhood planning, and the consideration of planning and related applications for new development.

Public consultation on the Statement of Community Involvement is open from 18 October and will run until 5pm on 29 November 2023. We encourage all our communities, stakeholders, statutory consultees, and anyone with an interest to respond.

Please visit https://www.greatercambridgeplanning.org/about-us/statement-of-community-involvement/ to find out how to explore the document and how to comment. Paper copies of the Statement of Community Involvement can also be viewed at some Council offices and libraries around the area – please refer to the attached Public Notice. We are holding 2 in-person events during the consultation period, where planning officers will be available to answer questions.

These are:

  • Sunday 22 October 2023, 09:30am-12:30pm: Northstowe Market, Northstowe, Hub, The Community Centre, 1 The Green, Pathfinder Way, Northstowe, CB24 1FD


  • Friday 27 October 2023, 11am-2:00pm: Café Drop-in, The Meadows Community Centre, 299 Arbury Rd, Cambridge, CB4 2JL





Statement of Community Involvement Leaflet