Planning Applications April 2022
22/01126/HFUL Byeways Station Road Harston. Part single, part two storey rear extensions including erection of a front boundary wall and gated entrance (part retrospective) – variation to planning permission. 21/02100/HFUL.
22/01384/FUL Beech Farm, Church Street, Harston. Demolition of agricultural buildings and the erection of nine dwelling houses and associated landscaping and development.
22/00924/FUL 16 Pightle Close Harston. Demolition of existing dwelling and garages and erection of new dwelling with attached garage.
Planning Applications March 2022
22/00331/FUL Industrial Estate, Unit B3 Button End Harston. Storage of one cargo container outside industrial unit
22/00595/FUL Land at the Back of 136-138 High Street Harston. Erection of 1 No. one and a half storey dwelling house with vehicular access from New Road.
22/00937/PRIOR The Old Coach House 56 High Street Harston. Change of use from Commercial, Business and Service (Use Class E) to 1 No. Dwelling houses (Use Class C3)
Planning Applications February 2022
21/05670/OUT Centenary Works Button End Harston.
Proposal: Demolish existing buildings and replace with new eco-park of up to 8no commercial units complete with solar photovoltaic panels, living roofs and electric car charging points and new upgraded access road.
21/05671/OUT Centenary Works Button End Harston.
Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and replace with up to 8no residential dwellings complete with electric car charging points and new upgraded access road.
Planning Applications January 2022
21/05305/HFUL 70 Church Street Harston. Two-storey Side and Rear Extension.
21/05411/LBC; 21/05410/HFUL; 21/05407/LBC; 21/05406/HFUL. 41 Church Street Harston. Erection of a single storey timber clad extension behind existing garage to provide one bedroom and bathroom, a new kitchen and living space with a glazed link and internal maintenance to the existing house.
Planning Approvals 2022
21/05663/FUL 25 Royston Road Harston Cambridge. Single storey extension of existing dwelling 25 Royston Road and the erection of a new detached dwelling house to the rear.
21/04492/HFUL 24 Queens Close Harston CB22 7QL. Two storey rear extension and single storey front porch extension
21/04060/HFUL Hope Cottage Button End Harston Internal repairs and alterations and the installation of new external gates
21/04038/LBC Hope Cottage Button End Harston Internal repairs and alterations and the installation of new external gates
21/04070/HFUL 28 Lawrance Lea Harston. First floor side extension with dormer window over existing garage, monopitch roof to replace existing flat roof to front, render treatment to external walls and new UPVC windows
21/04263/FUL 180 High Street Harston CB22 7QD. Erection of eight dwelling houses together with access, car parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure following demolition of existing buildings
21/01024/OUT Land Adjacent to 12 Church Street Harston. Outline planning permission for a self-build dwelling up to two-storey with all matters reserved
21/04263/FUL 180 High Street Harston. Erection of eight dwellinghouses together with access, car parking, landscaping and
associated infrastructure following demolition of existing buildings (Granted Permission on 28 January 2022).
21/04926/HFUL 13 The Paddock Harston. First floor side extension and changing front roof from flat to pitched.
21/04794/HFUL 6 Station Road Harston. Rear Two Storey and Part Single Storey Extension.
Planning Applications 2021
21/04926/HFUL 13 The Paddock Harston. First floor side extension and changing front roof from flat to pitched.
21/04794/HFUL 6 Station Road Harston. Rear Two Storey and Part Single Storey Extension.
21/05153/HFUL 9 Church Street, Single storey side and rear extension, roof extension incorporating rear dormer and front roof light, replacement porch roof tiles, and extension of existing dropped kerb.
21/05663/FUL 25 Royston Road Harston Cambridge. Single storey extension of existing dwelling 25 Royston Road and the erection of a new detached dwellinghouse to the rear.
21/05559/HFUL Byeways Station Road Harston. Part retrospective part single, part two storey rear extension including erection of a front boundary wall and gated entrance.
20/03241/CONDA 3 Chapel Lane Harston CB22 7NG. Submission of details required by condition 2 (Covered, secure parking of cycles) of planning permission 20/03241/FUL
21/04492/HFUL 24 Queens Close Harston CB22 7QL. Two storey rear extension and single storey front porch extension.
Planning Approvals 2021
21/04070/HFUL. 28 Lawrance Lea Harston CB22 7QR. First floor side extension with dormer window over existing garage, monopitch roof to replace existing flat roof to front, render treatment to external walls and new UPVC windows
20/05282/FUL 19 Queens Close Harston. Demolition of existing single storey extension structure and garage block and the provision of one, two-storey self-contained dwelling to the side of 19 Queens Close along with off street parking provision, reconfiguration of the rear driveway, remodelling of the existing rear garden to form private amenity space, dedicated cycle parking/ storage and refuse storage.
21/04326/HFUL 17 The Paddock Harston CB22 7PR First floor extension, extension of porch and single storey rear extension to replace the conservatory
21/04020/HFUL 30 Queens Close Harston CB22 7QL. Single storey rear and side extensions.
S/2601/18/FL 33 High Street Harston. Detached double garage.
21/0999/TTPO (Split decision) 2 Mill Road Harston CB22 7NF. TPO 0002 (1953) G3: T1 Mature Chestnut tree to be removed (Tree was adjudged to be of very poor quality and the Tree Inspector has recommended that the tree should be removed. See pictures of cavity.) T3 Horse Chestnut to crown lift to give 5m clearance above ground level to alleviate excessive shading and remove interference with property extension.
21/02415/FUL Lancaster Porsche 140-146 High Street Harston Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 7QD. Demolition of existing Aston Martin dealership, re-configuration of site parking, front and rear extensions with facade treatment to retained Porsche Centre and erection of standalone building for car preparation.
21/03854/PRI01A 4 Field View Harston Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 7QU. Single storey rear extension with flat roof.