Harston Residents’ Group (HRG) is an independent volunteer-run group with similar aims and objectives to Harston Parish Council. We work closely together on a number of initiatives:
Neighbourhood Plan
HRG formed in 2014 in response to the Parish Council’s call for volunteers to create a Village Design Statement. That did not come to fruition for a number of reasons, but we are now working together with the aim of creating a Neighbourhood Plan, a detailed, development-focussed document that is based on the aspirations of people in the village.
Greener Harston
We have a shared desire for a greener Harston in every way, from an increase in public transport options and active travel routes, to biodiversity improvements in our green spaces. We have together planted many hundreds of new trees and spring bulbs over the past few years. We are hugely grateful to HRG for organising the twice-yearly litter picks that help to keep Harston tidy.
Traffic and Transport
The Parish Council and HRG are working together to reduce traffic and increase transport alternatives for Harston residents. In November 2021, we presented the headline issues to Mayor Nik Johnson and colleagues from Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority. A study is being commissioned to look at the challenges for Harston and Foxton.