Neighbourhood Plan
National & Local Heritage assets in Harston
Harston Consultation of Harston Draft Neighbourhood Plan
Harston’s Draft Neighbourhood Plan is being finalised and we hope to have a 7 week consultation on it starting on Monday 22nd April and ending on Monday 11 June.
Before consultation starts all residents will receive a brief summary of the plan and a feedback form which you can drop into the box in the PO or … You can also feedback on-line, which we prefer, as this would help us save time logging all your written responses.
There will be three drop-in sessions at the Village Hall where you can look at a hard copy of the plan and ask questions:
Thursday 25th April at the Annual Parish Meeting which starts at 7pm (see PC website for agenda);
Sat 4 May 10.30-12.30 at Better Brew Café and in afternoon 2-5pm;
Sat 1st June 10.30-12.30 at Better Brew Café
See Below Link for more information on the NHP Draft