Parish Magazine Article September 2021
Did you miss us?
After a notable absence in the previous edition, we are back with a bang. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with our Parish Council commitments on top of everything else life throws at us. Which is why it’s vital that we have a full complement of Councillors to help spread the load! To these ends, the Council has a vacancy. If you live in Harston and can spare an hour or two each week, you could help make life here better for everyone. We deal with everything from the management of our green spaces to community events and road safety. We particularly welcome applications from women and younger people, who are currently underrepresented on the Council. For an informal chat or to apply, please email
Traffic and Transport
We keep chipping away at Harston’s bunion (the A10, if you haven’t guessed) through applications to the County Council’s annual Local Highway Improvements scheme. Most recently, we have won funding for traffic-calming measures on Station Road around the school, which are soon to be installed, and are about to ask for money for further improvements.
We also have two portable Speed Indicator Devices (SID) doing the rounds. These clever little things measure both traffic volume and speed, and can be set to flash a warning, or not – good for capturing drivers’ uninfluenced behaviour! With recorded speeds of 90mph+ on London Road and 70mph+ on Station Road, we hope this evidence will support our push for safer streets in some form. We’ll be monitoring various locations on the High Street next.
In August, Councillors joined Anthony Browne, MP and EWR top brass at locations around Harston that would be severely impacted by the proposed train line. Will seeing our scaffold towers make any difference? Who knows, but with some 10k responses to the recent EWR consultation, it’s clear that many feel strongly about it.
At our September meeting, Councillors unanimously voted in favour of a motion to support the “20s Plenty” campaign, whose aim is for a blanket 20mph zone in all urban and residential areas. The Clerk also reported on progress of our efforts to spruce up our bus shelters, many of which have fallen into disrepair. More news on this next time, hopefully.
Greener Harston
Our thanks to members of Harston Residents’ Group for their efforts under the “Greener Harston” banner. Last year, they undertook the planting of thousands of spring bulbs and the creation of a small meadow area opposite the former Vujon, and will soon be putting new hedging in there. The Parish Council has in the recent past secured a number of “whips” and more mature trees, mostly planted on the Rec, and will take up the District Council’s new offer of six free trees for every parish council in the County. We are always keen to hear your ideas on how we can further improve Harston’s visual amenity and eco-credentials.
We are in the process of establishing a more cohesive approach to managing and improving our green spaces. If that’s something you’d like to get involved with, please email HRG in the first instance:
Our Thanks to Roger Summerfield
Many Harston residents – particularly those involved with the local Cub and Scout troops – will know Roger. Aside from decades of woggle-based stewardship, Roger has assiduously cared for our war memorial in recent years. Now in his 80s, he’s stepping down from this role. Thank you, Roger, for the care and attention you have shown this important monument, and for your leading role in our Remembrance Day parades. We will incorporate its care into our Greener Harston plan, but if anyone reading is interested in looking after it – cutting the grass, planting and watering flowers – then please do get in touch.
Tim Arnold, September 2021
For and on behalf of Harston Parish Council