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Councillor Dominic Bellamy


My family moved into Harston in 1983. We have 4 children three of whom live locally. The children grew up in this lovely rural village using the local schools and amenities, as do our grandchildren in the present time. My industrial career can be described broadly as general management building teams and business development. My latter university career involved knowledge and technology transfer activities linking business and academia on innovation projects.

On retirement in 2018 I was encouraged to join the Parish Council, which I did and took over the Chair position in May 2021. My experience of being a Councillor is very different and rewarding in terms of its diversity and challenges that many people would not readily appreciate.

I am proud to help lead a very committed set of councillors and very much hope to encourage others from within our community to join and get involved. For a small village we face many issues, not least transport and threats to our village identity. The Parish Council working with the community can make a difference.