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Councillor Paul Ormerod

I have been a resident in Harston for over 30 years, bringing up our four children here, three of whom still live in Cambridge.

I am now retired but worked with Scientific_Genrics, the precursor to Sagentia, in the first half of the 1990s. Subsequently developed and delivered programmes for the London based Centre for Science and Technology. From around 2003 I founded a small communications specialist company that worked mainly with the EU to publicise its R&D programmes. From 2013 I co-founded Limetools which made digital media that explained climate change, entrepreneurship and innovation management, working around Europe and South East Asia. Also developed multimedia tools to drive behaviour change  focused on climate related issues.

Though retired I am still keenly interested in and engaged with sustainability, climate change, energy use and transport issues, specifically currently examining the business case for East West Rail. I remain committed to working on these issues with Harston Residents, within the Parish Council, and in a wider regional context.