Assistance for those affected by the war in Ukraine – 3 March 2022

Dear volunteer coordinators, parish councillors and Members

As we watch the terrible events in Ukraine unfold, our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine. The horrors of war, as shown in the photographs and videos on the news media, is impossible to overstate. The Council has pledged to support people fleeing the Ukraine and is calling for a national resettlement programme to be set up by the Government so that this can happen. Councillors have said that the Council will play their part and work to identify local homes for refugees leaving the warzone if needed. You can read the Council’s position in full here: pledge to support people fleeing Ukraine.

We hear and empathise with the anxiety and concern of residents who want to do something to help those affected and we want to help by signposting people who wish to offer support in response to the humanitarian crisis.


Local organisation Cambridge Convoy Refugee Action – which ordinarily works to take regular convoys of donated items to refugees in Calais – has advised that it is NOT currently collecting items for Ukraine. They suggest instead that donations of money is a much more effective way of helping the aid organisations that are working in the region.

In line with this recommendation, the Local Government Association (LGA) has provided Councils with this link to BBC News online where it suggests people should direct their support to organisations including:

  • The British Red Cross, which has launched an appeal to help the Ukrainian Red Cross to provide food, medicine, clothing and shelter, as well as first aid training in bomb shelters, and drinking water to villages in eastern Ukraine
  • The UNHCR refugee agency, which is funding emergency shelters, repairs for homes damaged by shelling, emergency cash assistance, psychological support and warm clothing
  • UNICEF, the UN’s children’s charity, which is helping to ensure families have clean water and food and that child health and protection services continue
  • Save the Children, which is providing cash assistance, food and other support to refugees crossing into Romanian and Lithuania, as well as in Ukraine itself.

Additionally, the Secretary of State for Defence, Ben Wallace, has suggested donating money through the Ukrainian Embassy’s With Ukraine fund. The money will be spent on providing humanitarian assistance to the civilian population and to purchase medical and military supplies for Ukraine’s army.

You may also have seen overnight that the UK Government has committed to matching the donations made by people in the UK to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), which similarly provides food, water, shelter, healthcare and protection to people fleeing Ukraine.


In addition to donating, another practical thing that we can all do is to be careful not to unwittingly distribute misinformation or propaganda about the situation by sharing articles, images or videos that we see online which are fake or misleading. The Full Fact organisation has some useful tips on how to spot false information online and sharing these tips within our communities can help. Here are links to their posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Please note that this information was collated on Thursday 3 March 2022. Due to the fast-changing nature of the situation, it is clearly not possible to create an exhaustive list of the organisations supporting the local and national effort. If there are significant changes, we will share the information via social media or with another Community Update.



Bill Handley

Lead Cabinet Member for Community Resilience, Health and Wellbeing

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Government announcements of the month

Highway Code changes to protect vulnerable road users come into effect on Saturday 29 January

The Highway Code is changing at midnight tonight. Most of the updates are not new rules, but clarifications to ambiguous or frequently misunderstood rules from the existing Code. There is a new introduction establishing ‘hierarchy of road users reminding people that the heavier your vehicle the more responsibility you bear to reduce danger to others. Read more on our blog and on the Department of Transport’s website.

£530,000 upgrade for Cambridge Cycle Point as Active Travel England launches with Chris Boardman as National Commissioner

Last Saturday it was announced that Active Travel England, the government’s new funding body and inspectorate for walking and cycling, would be headed up by Chris Boardman, Olympic gold medallist and current Transport Commissioner for Greater Manchester. Active Travel England will act as an ‘Ofsted-style’ inspectorate of active travel infrastructure, providing advice to local councils and rating authorities across the UK on their progress. Funds may be withdrawn if schemes are delivered late or not up to the required standard. It will also be a statutory consultee for new developments of over 150 houses.

On the same day some new funding was announced: £300,000 top-up of the national e-cargo bike for business loan scheme, £2.2 million to explore active travel on prescription schemes (Cambridgeshire & Peterborough will receive £60,000 for a feasibility study) and £3 million to improve cycling infrastructure around train stations. From this, a £530,000 grant has been allocated for improvements at Cambridge station’s Cycle Point which will transform accessibility and security at this well-used cycle park. Read more on our blog.

Only 18 years late: Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004

This week, the government confirmed that “the regulations giving effect to the moving traffic enforcement powers under Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 are scheduled to be laid on 27 January, and planned to come into force on 1 June.” Transport Minister Baroness Vere said on Thursday that local authorities in England will be able to apply in May for these powers that can help them deliver more flexible traffic schemes and improve safety for all road users.

Household Support Fund

Support with food, household energy and other essentials for individuals and families.

You are eligible to access this support through the Household Support Fund if you earn less than £17,940 per year or are in receipt of one of the following:

Income Support
Income-based Job Seekers Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Pension Credit
Universal Credit
Working Tax Credit

You may be able to access practical support with:

Food and essential supplies
Paying for gas, electricity, oil or water in your home
Other essential supplies, such as repairs to your boiler to help keep you and your family warm

For further information and an application form please follow the link below:

Cambridgeshire flood risk management strategy: consultation

In the context of climate emergency, the issue of flooding and our approach to dealing with flooding should be under constant review and revision. The strategy is a revision of the previous Cambridgeshire Flood Risk Management Strategy. Created by Cambridgeshire County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority in consultation with its partner organisations, it outlines how flood risk will be managed across Cambridgeshire between 2021 and 2027. The revised strategy has built in learning from recent flood events and industry developments since 2015. It looks to provide an overview of the wide range of flood related information, signposting areas you may wish to understand in more depth rather than duplicating other sources. Please use this link to share your views and ideas to contribute to the strategy: Cambridgeshire Flood Risk Management Strategy | Consult Cambridgeshire (

Council Elections 2022

Parish Councils are the first tier of local government, and as such have a large range of discretionary powers to spend public money, as well as a number of duties they have to perform. As a parish councillor, you will be involved in a variety of areas, such as managing Harston’s green spaces or considering planning applications. You will represent the council at local events such as litter picks, and be an active participant in committees and working groups, using your specific skills and interests for the benefit of the council.

Parish Council Elections May 5th 2022

Do You…?

  • want to make a difference and be involved in shaping the future of your local community?
  • have concerns for the local area and want to ensure the community gets the right services?
  • want to represent the views of local people and ensure that community interests are at the heart of decision making?

Do you have….?

2-3 hours per week to spare;

  • communication and presentation skills to express needs of local residents during meetings and become a voice for the Council;
  • interpersonal skills for managing surgeries and conversing with the community;
  • a commitment towards representation of the electorate;
  • an objective, analytical and critical mind;
  • IT/Social Media skills

Then you should consider becoming a Parish Councillor!
Becoming a councillor is rewarding and is also a privileged form of public service. You will be in a
position to make a difference to the quality of other people’s daily lives and prospects. A council will
draw on the skills and experiences of its councillors to ensure that as a whole it is a strong team so
the more varied skills brought to the council by its representative the stronger it will be.
What do you need to do?
If you’ve decided you would like to become a councillor, there are THREE things that need to be
done: –
1. You need to Qualify
2. You need to Complete Nomination Papers
3. You need to Stand for Election

To Qualify you need to be: –
 British, or a citizen of the Commonwealth or European Union
 At least 18 years of age;
 Registered to vote in the area OR
 Have lived in the parish (or within 3 miles of it), worked or owned property there for at least
12 months before an election.
The Nomination process…
You must obtain and complete a valid Nomination Paper. These are available from the Returning
Officer at South Cambridgeshire District Council or from the Clerk to the Council.
Completed forms must contain details of your name and address and must be signed by 2 registered
electors of the parish.
The Election Process
Ordinary elections for local councillors take place on the first Thursday in May, every four years.
For Harston Parish Council, elections are due to be held on Thursday 5 th May, 2022.
Your nomination papers will need to be lodged with the Returning Officer by 4pm on Tuesday 5 th
April 2022 at the latest. There are no mitigating circumstances for missing this deadline and the
responsibility for submitting the paperwork on time falls to you! However – you will find the Clerk to
the Council extremely helpful and they will guide you through the process.
If you have a few hours to spare each week and would like to put them to good use to serve your
local area, then why not Become a Councillor!
Good Luck!

If you would like to find out more about what is involved in being a Councillor, why not come along
to one of our meetings? Members of the public are always welcome – we meet on the first Thursday
of the month, 7.30pm in the village hall, High Street, Harston.
Or you could write, email or contact us using the contact details below. We’ll be happy to send you
an information pack on standing as a councillor in the 2022 local elections.
01353 664632
Harston Parish Council, PO Box 330, Ely, Cambridgeshire. CB7 9GF

Suspension of Green Waste Bin Collections

At present, the collections will resume on Wednesday 12 January 2022 in line with the Christmas collection date changes. As the green bin collections would have turned turn to their usual 4-weekly cycle from w/b 27 December/3 January, the suspension is adding an extra two weeks to this, so residents will only be missing one green bin collection throughout the planned suspension. Residents are advised to check the websites for updates and for their collection days via the online calendar which have been updated to reflect this. If you have any other queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

For additional information, below is a copy of the bin collection dates changes over the festive period.

Usual collection day Revised collection day
Fri 24 Dec 2021 No change
Mon 27 Dec 2021 Wed 29 Dec 2021
Tue 28 Dec 2021 Thu 30 Dec 2021
Wed 29 Dec 2021 Fri 31 Dec 2021
Thu 30 Dec 2021 Tue 04 Jan 2022
Fri 31 Dec 2021 Wed 05 Jan 2022
Mon 03 Jan 2022 Thu 06 Jan 2022
Tue 04 Jan 2022 Fri 07 Jan 2022
Wed 05 Jan 2022 Sat 08 Jan 2022
Thu 06 Jan 2022 Mon 10 Jan 2022
Fri 07 Jan 2022 Tue 11 Jan 2022
Mon 10 Jan 2022 Wed 12 Jan 2022
Tue 11 Jan 2022 Thu 13 Jan 2022
Wed 12 Jan 2022 Fri 14 Jan 2022
Thu 13 Jan 2022 Sat 15 Jan 2022
Fri 14 Jan 2022 Mon 17 Jan 2022
Mon 17 Jan 2022 Tue 18 Jan 2022
Tue 18 Jan 2022 Wed 19 Jan 2022
Wed 19 Jan 2022 Thu 20 Jan 2022
Thu 20 Jan 2022 Fri 21 Jan 2022
Fri 21 Jan 2022 Sat 22 Jan 2022
Mon 24 Jan 2022 Back to normal

Stagecoach Christmas Timetable

Stagecoach have now published our Christmas timetable information on our website, which is available to view here:


NOTICE is given that Cambridgeshire County Council has made an Order pursuant to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991, the effect of which is to stop any vehicle from proceeding along Newton Road, Harston as lies between points 20m either side of the railway level crossing situated there as measured from its gates or barriers.

Access will be maintained to properties affected by this order.

The alternative route for vehicles is via B1368 – A10 – Station Road and vice versa.

The Order is made to facilitate essential maintenance works which are being carried out on or near this highway and it will come into operation on 28 November 2021 and continue until these works have finished or on the 27 May 2023 whichever is the earlier.

It is anticipated that these works will be carried out between 07:00hrs and 19:00hrs on 28 November 2021.
The Order shall not apply to any persons lawfully engaged in connection with any works for which it is made, any member of the Police Force, Fire and Rescue Service, Ambulance Service, a vehicle being used by Special Forces during the execution of their duties or to any person acting with the permission or upon the direction of a Police Officer in uniform.

Steven Cox, Executive Director, Place and Economy, Shire Hall, Castle Hill, Cambridge CB3 0AP
Wednesday 20 October 2021

Dear A10 Cyclists,

We’re looking forward to seeing as many of you who can make it for the family friendly A10 Awareness Ride next Sunday October 3rd.

We will depart from Trumpington Park and Ride at 10:30AM and cycle to Phillimore Garden Centre Melbourn, sticking to the off-road path, with all junctions and crossing points managed by marshals.  If you’d like to volunteer your service as a marshal, do let us know.

Please could we ask you to bring your own water bottle or other drink.  We will have plenty of water to refill your bottles once at Phillimore.  Thanks also to those who have offered to provide a cake or biscuits – all offers much appreciated.

CamCycle have kindly agreed to co-sponsor this event, highlighting the importance of the Royston-Cambridge safe cycle link – and especially links to jobs and education along the A10 corridor.

Hope to see you next week!

Sincerely yours,

Susan van de Ven and Mike Prior-Jones

Our website can be found at:

Parish Magazine Article September 2021

Did you miss us?

After a notable absence in the previous edition, we are back with a bang. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with our Parish Council commitments on top of everything else life throws at us. Which is why it’s vital that we have a full complement of Councillors to help spread the load! To these ends, the Council has a vacancy. If you live in Harston and can spare an hour or two each week, you could help make life here better for everyone. We deal with everything from the management of our green spaces to community events and road safety. We particularly welcome applications from women and younger people, who are currently underrepresented on the Council. For an informal chat or to apply, please email

Traffic and Transport

We keep chipping away at Harston’s bunion (the A10, if you haven’t guessed) through applications to the County Council’s annual Local Highway Improvements scheme. Most recently, we have won funding for traffic-calming measures on Station Road around the school, which are soon to be installed, and are about to ask for money for further improvements.

We also have two portable Speed Indicator Devices (SID) doing the rounds. These clever little things measure both traffic volume and speed, and can be set to flash a warning, or not – good for capturing drivers’ uninfluenced behaviour! With recorded speeds of 90mph+ on London Road and 70mph+ on Station Road, we hope this evidence will support our push for safer streets in some form. We’ll be monitoring various locations on the High Street next.

In August, Councillors joined Anthony Browne, MP and EWR top brass at locations around Harston that would be severely impacted by the proposed train line. Will seeing our scaffold towers make any difference? Who knows, but with some 10k responses to the recent EWR consultation, it’s clear that many feel strongly about it.

At our September meeting, Councillors unanimously voted in favour of a motion to support the “20s Plenty” campaign, whose aim is for a blanket 20mph zone in all urban and residential areas. The Clerk also reported on progress of our efforts to spruce up our bus shelters, many of which have fallen into disrepair. More news on this next time, hopefully.

Greener Harston

Our thanks to members of Harston Residents’ Group for their efforts under the “Greener Harston” banner. Last year, they undertook the planting of thousands of spring bulbs and the creation of a small meadow area opposite the former Vujon, and will soon be putting new hedging in there. The Parish Council has in the recent past secured a number of “whips” and more mature trees, mostly planted on the Rec, and will take up the District Council’s new offer of six free trees for every parish council in the County. We are always keen to hear your ideas on how we can further improve Harston’s visual amenity and eco-credentials.

We are in the process of establishing a more cohesive approach to managing and improving our green spaces. If that’s something you’d like to get involved with, please email HRG in the first instance:

Our Thanks to Roger Summerfield

Many Harston residents – particularly those involved with the local Cub and Scout troops – will know Roger. Aside from decades of woggle-based stewardship, Roger has assiduously cared for our war memorial in recent years. Now in his 80s, he’s stepping down from this role. Thank you, Roger, for the care and attention you have shown this important monument, and for your leading role in our Remembrance Day parades. We will incorporate its care into our Greener Harston plan, but if anyone reading is interested in looking after it – cutting the grass, planting and watering flowers – then please do get in touch.


Tim Arnold, September 2021

For and on behalf of Harston Parish Council