Household Support Fund

HSF Poster 65+

Confirmed: Haslingfield drop-in event, Friday 9 September 

Further to the Haslingfield drop-in event which had to be postponed due to the extraordinary temperatures would be rescheduled for September. 

I am now pleased to be able to confirm that the Community Drop-in Event will be held in Haslingfield Village Hall on Friday 9 September 2022 from 2pm until 8pm 

North West and West Cambridge Community Forum

Community forums are held in South Cambridgeshire to bring residents, councils and developers together to raise issues and discuss how local developments are progressing. The Forums are open to everyone and usually meet three times a year, with an informal drop-in session followed by a more formal meeting. Since the onset of the pandemic, some meetings have gone online and continue to be conducted using Zoom Webinar, usually in the evenings. Others are in-person. Details such as start times will be updated online, with agendas being published in the week prior to the event.

The next Community Forum for North West and West Cambridge is an in-person meeting on Wednesday July 20 at Storey’s Field Community Centre from 6pm. For further details, see:

Local Transport and Connectivity Plan

LTCP Poster

Update for those supporting refugees from Ukraine – 16 June 2022

Dear hosts, volunteer coordinators and parish council colleagues

If this is the first time you are receiving this ‘Support for Ukraine community update’ from us as a host, please note that we send these out on a regular basis. They are issued whenever new and relevant information becomes available to hosts in South Cambridgeshire as well as to District Councillors, community coordinators and parish council colleagues. The idea is to share the latest updates that we have to support for the Homes for Ukraine scheme.

All information previously shared can be found on our Support for Ukraine webpage – where you will also find our ‘Ukrainian Guest information hub’ which we encourage you to share with your guests. The online information hub is our equivalent of a ‘Welcome pack’ for guests (we are sharing information digitally so that we are able to keep our information regularly updated, and guests should be able to switch to view in their own language if they wish).

Please note that in addition to these emails, all hosts will receive information from us directly relating to DBS checks, accommodation checks, £350 monthly host and £350 one-off guest payments; hosts should already have received information from us about this through our welcome email.

For any questions not covered in this e-newsletter or on our Support for Ukraine webpages, please email

Host workshops: Systemic support for people displaced by war and oppression

As thousands of displaced individuals and families come into this country seeking asylum and refuge from the many war zones and areas of oppression in the world, the Association for Family Therapy (AFT) charity has been developing ways in which it can contribute to the work being done by councils and refugee agencies. It offers workshops to prepare potential host families for the psychological aspects of having guests that are displaced from home, country and family and may be traumatised.

We are pleased to be able to confirm that the AFT will be holding a face-to-face session for South Cambridgeshire hosts in the Council Chamber at South Cambs Hall, Cambourne on Friday 8 July from 7pm to 9pm. They are also holding a virtual session for hosts via Zoom a week later, on Friday 15 July from 6pm to 8pm.

Each workshop will cover areas such as boundaries and house rules, negotiating differences around issues of culture, language, and family style; balancing children’s needs and different parenting styles, talking about difficult stuff, understanding and managing distress and trauma and when and how to seek help.

You can register for the face-to-face event on Friday 8 July now. Please note that spaces on the face-to-face workshop are limited to 10 adult host families, so don’t delay in booking your place. Please only sign-up if you know you can attend.

You can register for the virtual event on Friday 15 July now too. Please note that spaces on the virtual workshop are limited to 20 adult host families, so don’t delay in booking your place. Please only sign-up if you know you can participate.

To register for either event, please email with either ‘AFT face-to-face event’ or ‘AFT virtual event’ as the subject. Within the email, please include the names of the adults (18+) who will be attending, your address and the names of the Ukrainian guests staying with you.

In offering constructive support through workshops the AFT aims not only to prevent breakdown of these hosting arrangements, but also to help them become successful experiences for all concerned. The AFT is made up of registered professionals working in the NHS, Social Services, charities and education with children, adults, older adults and families of all nationalities.

Laptops for guests

We have partnered with the Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign (CRRC) and provided them with funding that will allow them to supply further laptops to Ukrainian guests who have arrived in South Cambridgeshire as part of the Homes for Ukraine programme. Guests can now apply for one of these laptops, for free, and, additionally, we are also looking for residents and businesses to support this initiative by donating laptops. Any devices are acceptable for donation.

The Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign works with Laptops4Learning (L4L) to deliver laptops locally. Laptops4Learning’s TechAidUK solution brings together businesses and charities/organisations to enable sustainable and social good. They take donations of much-needed devices from businesses and repair and refurbish them, making them plug-and-play ready, complete with chargers and software, ready for CRRC to distribute them to Ukrainian families. For both residents and businesses, having tech refurbished for reuse enables you to reach your sustainability goals at this time of climate emergency, saving CO2 emissions, e-waste and the extraction of scarce natural resources.

How guests can apply for a free laptop: CRRC will use our funding to provide laptops, chromebooks, mobile phones and SIM cards to Ukrainians who have arrived in South Cambridgeshire under the Homes for Ukraine and need devices to facilitate access to services, education, learning English, job seeking and communication with family members and friends. To request a laptop, either the guest or their host should complete this Google Form.  Please note that guests should only apply when they arrive in South Cambridgeshire. If the host is applying on behalf of the guest, similarly, they should not apply until their guest has arrived with them. Completed forms are submitted and information provided to CRRC. The information from the form is only available to CRRC’s Ukraine Team admin and a limited number of CRRC Trustees. A designated CRRC trustee looks at each request and assesses it. For example, they will look at the numbers of devices requested in relation to what is already owned, and the size of the family including the ages of the children. If CRRC has questions about the request, one of their Ukraine Team admins will call the designated main contact to discuss.

Once any queries are worked through the request is authorised and is then ready to join the ‘ready for delivery’ list.  CRRC have set themselves the ambitious target of aiming to deliver the requested tech within two weeks of the items being requested (when a form is submitted it automatically generates a time and date stamp). CRRC has recruited and ‘onboarded’ 10 volunteers to undertake deliveries within the county. All volunteers are DBS checked prior to being allowed to have direct contact with families. When items are delivered to the families, we ask the family to sign a receipt which contains the details of the items being provided including make and model and serial numbers of the devices.  Signed receipts are returned to our Team admin and stored as proof of delivery and receipt.

How residents can donate laptops: For individuals wanting to donate laptops, CRRC currently have three pubs where devices can be dropped off. These are The Blue Ball Inn in Grantchester, The Haymakers in Chesterton or the Champion of the Thames in King Street, Cambridge. All laptops supplied would have data erased to the Government standard.

How businesses can donate laptops:  For corporate donations will send their Tech Couriers to the company by prior arrangement. L4L tech couriers will bring the devices back to their repair centre based in Stevenage. The devices will be repaired / refurbished/ securely data erased to HMG InfoSec Standard 5 Enhanced and a certificate of erase provided by serial number for each device. Audits are provided in full showing the devices collected, along with feedback on who received the donations for use in Company newsletters and data for the CSR, sustainability figures on waste are also provided. If you are part of a local business that wants to donate laptops for re-use to those in need or if you have questions and would like information on the scheme please contact or

Free local bus travel for guests

We are now able to give you more precise details of the free local bus travel arrangements for Homes for Ukraine guests. Each guest will receive tickets that entitle them to 10 days of unlimited travel. These will not need to be used in 10 consecutive days in a row. Instead, guests will be provided with 10 separate tickets that they can use on any day that they choose. They will be valid for travel in the Stagecoach Cambridgeshire zone. These will be made available to new and existing guests. The aim is to help guests get around when there are lots of different tasks to do and places to be following their arrival.

From Monday (20 June) when a new guest arrives and we are informed, as well as providing them with their £350 arrival payment, we will also provide guests with their 10 bus tickets.

For guests who are already here – we will be providing you with an update next week as to how they will get their 10 bus tickets. We are just working through how we administer that process. We appreciate that it has taken a little while to get this sorted and thank you for your patience. Please continue to bear with us and note that we are not able to provide further information at this stage.

£350 payment to hosts: A reminder

We continue to receive occasional queries about host payments. As a reminder, monthly host payments are paid in arrears during the first week of each month. Where a guest has moved in during the previous month, the £350 payment is calculated on a pro rata basis. If you have any questions about these payments, please just send an email to

Free bikes for guests from Ukraine: An update

You may remember that we recently launched an initiative to offer free bicycles to Homes for Ukraine guests, by teaming-up with two local charities; Owl Bikes (part of the Papworth Trust) and Camtrust. We are pleased that we have had lots of requests for bicycles – a total of 165 applications so far, with each application requesting between one and four bikes. As demand has been high, delivery is taking a little while longer than planned. If you or your guests have already applied, please rest assured that your application has been received and there is no need to apply again. Additionally, unfortunately the Owl Bikes facility was broken into during a recent weekend, which set-back the number of bicycles they have available to distribute a little. Please note that this scheme is only available to guests who have arrived in South Cambridgeshire as part of the Homes for Ukraine scheme.

Residents who may have a spare or not needed bicycle at home are being encouraged to offer it to OWL Bikes or Camtrust as part of the initiative – so the cycles can be refurbished and passed to guests from Ukraine.

Please save the date: Informal in-person get together for Ukraine guests

On Tuesday 28 June from 10am to 1pm, we will be hosting an informal get together for Ukrainian guests at Sawston Library. It will be a free drop-in event for Ukrainian guests to connect, have a bite to eat and get further useful information on what support is available locally. The address of Sawston Library is 41 New Road, Sawston, CB22 3BP. Children will be welcome. Further details will follow in next week’s newsletter.

Updated Government guidance: what Ukrainian guests need to do before they travel to the UK and what to do after they arrive

During the past week, the Government has added a Ukrainian translation to the guidance on what Ukrainian guests need to do before they travel to the UK and what to do after they arrive. The translation is available via buttons in top right of page. We are being encouraged to share this information as appropriate and it would be helpful if you could do the same. It could be particularly useful for hosts to share this link with guests before they arrive. You can get the Ukrainian version of the text by clicking on the top right of the webpage.

Supporting the wellbeing of displaced Ukrainians

Further to the above, we have come across a useful online resource for supporting the wellbeing of displaced Ukrainians that you may find helpful. Designed to help those supporting people affected by the Ukraine crisis, the guidance has been produced to help families create a safe and welcoming environment for displaced Ukrainian people and avoid the potential for further harm. Outlined in the document are some simple dos and don’ts, based on the experiences of other groups of refugees. The guidance highlights how kindness, patience, and empathy will be vital. The guidance also contains further information on assisting displaced Ukrainians to access professional support, including NHS mental health and wider community support services.

Some further news in brief

  • The Odessa Project, set up by the owner of the Willow Tree pub in Bourn, has been established to help Ukrainian guests find employment in the catering industry locally and nationwide.
  • The Besom in Histon and Impington can help with sourcing and supplying furniture, equipment, and household items as well as with other practical hands-on support.
  • Please see the PDF attached to this email update for information, translated into Ukrainian, about the upcoming Swavesey Sustainability Festival which takes place on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 June. All events are free with lots for families and young children. Swavesey can be reached by the Guided Busway. Please do share this information with guests.

That brings our latest update to a close. Many thanks for taking the time to read this bulletin, and my thanks once more for your continued support.

Bill Handley

Lead Cabinet Member for Communities

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Harston Big Jubilee Picnic

The day started cloudy and wet, but hopes were high. Gradually volunteers started arriving to prepare for the day with decorations, strawberries and cream, tea, coffee and plenty of delicious homemade cakes, courtesy of the WI.
Our newly erected flagpole was proudly flying the Union Jack and the Queens Jubilee Memorial flags, which rather sadly did not flutter in the breeze because there was no breeze. But they were there!
Refreshments vans arrived and food, soft drinks, beer and wine were on sale throughout the day courtesy of Brew Board.
No 35 Cambridge provided us with delicious burgers, wraps and chips all day. We also had a Pimms tent and ice cream.
The strawberries were only picked hours before the event, by Bury Farm at Royston – and they were perfectly sweet and juicy.
The disco arrived and the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations at Harston Recreation Ground started at 1pm. Still wet, still cloudy, but people started arriving bringing picnic tables and umbrellas, ready to enjoy the day.
We were treated to a lovely performance from Harston and Newton Village School Choir, which the children took very seriously and it was enjoyed by all.
The Choir was followed by the Junior Prime Brass Band. Then we were treated to upbeat entertainment from Simply Reed Saxaphone Quartet. In between, we had music by disco provided by DJ Soundbig.
Ongoing throughout the day, was the exhibition in the Tea Tent and a childrens’ art exhibition. The winners of the art exhibition were announced by the Parish Council Chairman and the children received their prizes.
The winners were:
Age 3-5: Freya Fisher, Matthew Morris
Age 6-7: Alice Gouveia de Oliveira, Erin Phillips, Madeleine Odell
Age 8-9: Noa Duckworth, Sophie Crissall-Gore, Seven Belle Dishaw
Age 10 – 12: Sophie Christmas, Cam Dishaw, Alice Butcher
There was a plethora of children’s games ongoing throughout the day including Beat the Goalie, a badminton game, an Orchard Quiz, a Scavenger Hunt – for which prizes were given.
The ladies in the Tea Tent put in a sterling performance keeping everyone provided with complementary refreshments, including tea, coffee, cakes, strawberries and cream (some coming back for seconds!).
Jubilee mugs were on sale throughout the day, with profit proceeds being donated to the Ukraine appeal.
Donations were also received in the Tea Tent totalling £358.58, and Brew Board and No 35 Cambridge also donated £40 towards the Ukraine appeal.

And then the day was done. It ended just as cloudy and wet as it started, but people started packing up and going home and, hopefully, everyone had a lovely time and made some memories to cherish.


EWR: Connecting with communities: re-starting face-to-face engagement with communities across the East West Rail route

As you might have heard we’re restarting our face-to-face engagement with communities across the East West Rail route. After holding two drop-in style events in Bedfordshire in May 2022, we’re excited to announce we’ll be hosting eight further events between June and July 2022.

The events will extend from Oxford to Cambridge and are open to all. They’re designed to give local residents, businesses and stakeholders an opportunity to understand the project development process, anticipated timescales, and speak face-to-face with members of our team.

While we won’t have any new information to share at these events – as we are still reviewing the responses received during the 2021 consultation and considering how the feedback is used to inform plans for the railway – they will provide an opportunity for us to engage with communities outside the formal consultation process.

We recognise the important role you play in your local community and we have produced some social media posts which you may find useful to share. These direct people to our website, which hosts more information about the events. You can find the social media posts here.

Event details

We would welcome meeting and talking with you at your local event. The drop-ins will be:

Cambridge: Wednesday 29 June, 2pm – 8pm
The Clayton Hotel, 27-29 Station Rd